Mystery parties are a lot of fun! Usually the scenario includes a murder, but not necessarily, since it can be only a mystery with no death involved. For the most successful parties, you do need to have a group that will enthusiastically get into character for the role-playing aspect, and it always helps to have “suspects” who also enjoy wearing costumes, since that does help the atmosphere. As to decorations and menu, usually suggestions are included with the mystery, and you can feel free to be as elaborate or as simple as you like. As you can see elsewhere on this site, I am definitely not opposed to elaborate decorations, but for these mystery parties below, we didn’t see the need for such a production…although I did make saloon doors for Bullets ‘N’ Barbecue! 😉
We’ve played several How to Host a Mystery parties so far…
…and I hosted a Clue Mystery Party where I was Mrs. Peacock, the guests came in their own fabulous interpretations from the game, and we played a custom version of Clue tailored to my house!
I hope perhaps you are now inspired to host your own mystery…Enjoy!